Imihigo Watch

Imihigo Watch is a digital solution which allows citizens to access information on the progress of Imihigo implementation in their Districts. Currently, it is providing information for the Districts of Gatsibo, Ngoma, Nyamagabe, Nyamasheke, Nyaruguru and Rusizi. Imihigo Watch is a tool to foster information, transparency and accountability.

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Every administrative level in Rwanda has it: The Imihigo. Originally an ancestral cultural practice in Rwanda, it has been modernized and adapted to actual times. Reborn out of Rwanda’s strive to improve the quality and speed of execution of government programmes, Imihigo are annual performance contracts where administrative bodies, such as districts, set their targets to be achieved within one year.

Objective of Imihigo Watch

Imihigo Watch shall be viewed in the context of Citizen-State Relations on the local level. It provides information on public policies to citizens and hence serves as a tool for information and transparency. Also, it has the potential to foster dialogue between citizens and local authorities about public policies and to enhance accountability. Imihigo Watch combines two of Rwanda’s prominent approaches: Home Grown Solutions and Digitalization

Imihigo Watch is working free of charge for citizens (only internet costs may apply). No registration is required for citizens


A predecessor of today’s Imihigo Watch was first implemented by the District of Ngoma. As part of a developing partnership, it is now implemented by the "Initiative pour la Participation Citoyenne" (IPC) in partnership with the Districts of Gatsibo, Ngoma, Nyamagabe, Nyamasheke, Nyaruguru and Rusizi. It's technically and financially supported by GIZ`s progamme on Decentralisation and Good Governance (DGG) and developed by Panatech.



Initiative pour la Participation Citoyenne: Faustin Kanani, Exuctive Secretary |

GIZ: Bryan cambon, Developement Advisor |

Also available at

USSD/MTN: *930#